Soy Protein

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Protein Sources Series Part 2

Soy protein is absolutely cholesterol free and therefore ideal for people with a high cholesterol level. The FDA recommends that intake of 25grams a day will prevent from heart disease.

Soybeans contain phytoestrogens (isoflavones) daidzein and genistein but research studies could not prove its benefits in lowering the testosterone level in males. A recent study (August 2011) did show, that a daily intake of tablets of 200grams of isoflavones during 2 years did not show any change in menopausal symptoms nor in bone loss of women. By contrast Asian populations take soy products for a lifetime and have a significant reduced risk of breast cancer. It might be, that difference lies in the nutrition compared to the one in the western world. I remember a friend, who had a change on her hormones by taking soy product for about a week. Her doctor recommended to stop taking soy products and it got better. Even though, research study say one thing, peoples chemistry may differ in so many variables and you might find some hormonal benefits out of taking soy protein shake.

Healthy Composition

With its richness in omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, amino acids and the fact that is cholesterol free, vegetarian and lactose free it is a good protein supplier.

Soy products can be either from Genetically Modified Organism or non GMO which will differ in the price.

Consuming Soy Protein has got two sides, sure, like many Products nowadays, but I think it is important to show you the resources it takes for to produce it. A WWF study-link (2011)  has shown the significant impact our world has on our food habits. The biggest amount of the soy production go into animal feed, whilst the direct soy consumer still is making a small percentage but growing substantially. Being more aware about what we eat and drink every day is important to help keep the rainforest – our lungs alive — more information:   Link to


Image Source: Pixabay

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